Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Food for thought.....Enjoy

My relationship with God is a lot like the other relationships in my life . . . complex. It's based on a simple premise (He loves me, and I love Him) but the process of living that out in everyday life is sometimes really beautiful and sometimes an ugly mess. What about you? Do you get it "right" all the time? Yeah, I didn't think so.

And while the subtleties of my relationship with God may look differently than yours, there are three things that are a constant in my life, three areas He is constantly vying for my attention. These three areas indicate just where my heart really lies. I believe these three areas aren't unique to me. In fact, I believe that if you look closely enough you'll find these three show up in your life as well.

The first is a sense of wonder. Every one of us has it. We want to believe in something bigger than ourselves. We want to marvel at something, something that will capture our imagination and sense of awe. It is hardwired into all of us. And if we do not find wonder in our relationship with God, we will search for it elsewhere. We will find something to capture our minds and hearts. Whether it is the latest summer blockbuster, a relationship or a career, we will look anywhere and everywhere for something that will intrigue us.

What about you? How is your sense of wonder? If you have been in the church a while, it may be non-existent. Has your relationship with God become routine, even boring? Do you think you know everything about Him? You know on some level that is impossible, but the way you go through life may indicate that you believe it to be true. You think you know what God will and will not do in every situation, because that is what He has done in the past. There are no surprises. But look at the Bible-God always surprised people. He did things that constantly caught people off guard. He extends grace, raises the dead, punishes injustice. He is bigger than we think He is. So much bigger.

The second thing that is an integral part of everyone's relationship with God is a sense of discovery. We not only want to believe in something bigger than us, but we also want to discover who we are and why we exist. We want to know who is staring at us in the mirror. We'll try to settle for less than we are by consistently attaching ourselves to something or someone to define who we are. But God wants us to discover ourselves in the context of our relationship with Him and His Word, the Bible.

Do you think you've got you figured out? You either know so much about yourself that you are fixated on where you are lacking, or you know so little about yourself that you're waiting for someone or something to solve the mystery. But the process of discovery of who we are is unveiled daily in God's Word. The Holy Spirit pulls back the layers of our lives and shows us new things about ourselves. Also, in the context of our relationship with God and with others, we uncover new truths about who we are, both good and ugly.

The third integral part of a person's relationship with God is sometimes the most difficult . . . it's about having a passion for other people. People are messy and complicated. They can irritate us one minute, and bring great joy to us the next. But people are a key part of our relationship with God. You see, this relationship with Him isn't exclusive.


Anonymous said...

Girls ecspecially can be really emotional. I'm definitely one of those girls. I always want someone who I can depend on. But it has to be someone who knows me and cares about me. I know that Gods love is so big and unfailing. I know I can rely on him for everything.
But sometimes it is hard to keep up that relationship with him. It can get boring at times. And I am distracted by lies that tell me that I can do things on my own. Recently I've just found myself falling back on my knees seeking Gods plan for my life. Every time I get hit with something I can't handle I crawl to Jesus. I should be doing it every day no matter what. It's a battle to fight every day. I just have to keep in mind that Christ is always on my side.

lsprkr said...

Thinking about having a relationship with God can be overwhelming and can seem impossible sometimes. Last night I was at a bible study and our conversation lead us into a discussion about why we don't pursue a relationship with God as eagerly as we pursue relationships with those around us. I think we all agreed that it can be difficult sometimes because we don't know Him. We go straight to our best friends and to those who know us the best. We wouldn't run to a stranger with our hopes & dreams, disappointments, requests so why would we run to a God who seems like a stranger to us? We don't know Him.

I’ve been on a journey, myself, trying to grasp who God truly is and what He has done for me. The days I look for Him are the days He never ceases to amaze me. The days I study His word and spend time with Him are the days He blows my mind with what he teaches me. The days I spend loving other people are the days God loves me back. I’m beginning to understand who He is and it has drastically changed my life.

Lord, I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur is a study on the names of God. If you want to learn more about God this is a fantastic book and I strongly recommend it to everyone.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I have an example of the third point!
My lunch table in first semester was getting pretty bad. An atheist sat across from me and her attuitude really ruined the relaxing and fun mood of the table. I was getting a little dismayed when suddenly, she moved. Not away, just to another table. Two older individuals showed up and sat in her place. The most awesome part about that was that they are both in Christian club! Now my lunch is filled with laughter and Godly disscusion!
God is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He uses people all the time and, if we are willing to look, we'll find that he's using the that are right beside us in life to bring joy and correction every day!!

Thanks for the devotional chad!
James T.W.

Anonymous said...

hey chad! i read this a when u first posted it but now i disided to leve a comment cause on sunday u said that u haven't been updating it cause not many people look at it anymore. i just wanted u 2 know that i still look at it actually its my home page whenever i get on the internet your blog comes up! but anyways i relly liked this and all the ones that i read. its kinda weird but whenever i see a new topic i read it and it kinda relates to me on that day. like the tunnels one i was having a bad day and after i read that i felt so much beter.^_^ soooo. yeah^_^ C!C!!!!!!!!!(also theres probably a lot of mispellings sorry!)