Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't Apologze for You

Read Psalm 138
How can you learn to be bold about who you are?

"Different" What does that word mean? This probably isn't high on your list of what you want to be when you grow up. You might like someone no one else likes, you might get along with people no one else gets a long with. Or you know people will bad mouth you, your hobbies, so you slam them before they slam you. True, sometimes its socially acceptable to be strange, but only if the "crowd" says so.

That's what your "friends" or the world around you think.But God has some amazing news about who you are.
You are the work of God's hands, and he won't abandon you. He made you unique, and he will he will show his purpose for you. His heart is with you wherever you go, and when you ask for help, he will make you bold.

God delights in nothing more than seeing you live as the masterpiece he made you.(Eph 2:10)He is worth praising for how he designed you, no matter what others think. When you're shy about revealing the real you, he is your source of power to crack out of your shell.

Psalms 138:3
When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted


Anonymous said...

In Psalm 138 it talks of praising the one true God, even in the midst of the other "gods" (notice the little "g"!). I find this the most relevant in our schools.

You will (weather you like it or not)be taught about the other religions in school. I don't know of the other districts but when we learned of the Islamic faith the curriculum stated that, in theory, allah was the same as God. This is not backed in ANY WAY by the teachings of either faith(some muslims are promised two spouses in heaven, Jesus said that those in heaven will not have sex or be married Matt. 22:30)
Through this God has provided a way to proclaim his name! Bring it up with your teacher, do so politely but boldly.
God bless and thanks for an awesome message Chad!

lsprkr said...

How can we learn to be bold if we are afraid? I think this week’s memory verse is perfect for this!

Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you..."

When you are faced with a situation when you are afraid to be bold and stand up for your faith, remember that God promises to be with you, to strengthen you and help you. And God always keeps His promises!


Anonymous said...

Thats a good one to read. :)
