Sunday, November 30, 2008

Good For Something

Read Romans 12:1-8

How do you find your special gift in life?

Sometimes mothers are right, everyone is good at something. The Bible says the same thing, God gives everyone gifts. But how do you find yours?
Try these tactics:
Dont expect an applause. Some people put you up front where people ooh and aahh. People seldom clap if you're kind, giving, encouraging or good at serving. Just because no one says, "WOW!" doesnt mean you bombed.

Try it out. You don't figure out what you're good at by sitting around or by trying something just once.

Be yourself. Even Christians can rip on people with different gifts. Sometimes you'll feel odd even when you're doing the right thing.

You begin to find your gifts, though, when you make yourself available to God. For starters, that's the only right response to everything God gives you, andas you follow him you'll find your way.

Romans 12:4


Anonymous said...

One thing I've found very important when serving (especially in a repetitive physical job) is this: Keep God on your mind the whole time! There is a good chance (not a 100% guaranteed one!) that someone will ask you what you are doing or why you are doing it. This is an amazing chance to share with them a few verses from the Bible about love and showing it!

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another" in Jhn 13
And a little before that about serving:
Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet" also in the same book and chapter!

I've found from experience these not only clearly define what your doing to whoever asks but they also keep on the right track while doing the service!

Thanks for the Message chad!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good. :)
