Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Being Good in a Bad World

In the real world, evil isn't terminated with in the span of a movie or tv show. Wouldnt that be nice! And sometimes you wonder if God cares at all about stopping evil.
What does God promise you when it's tough being good in a bad world?
Read Malachi 3:13-4:3
The people in the book of Malachi noticed the same things you see every day:cheaters getting A's, drug dealers getting rich, snotty girls gets the guys, etc.

The believers, survived by reminding eachother that the success of bad people isnt the whole story. In God's judgement at the end of time, evildoers will be punished, but those who follow God will romp like frisky calves set free from their pen.

So it isn't that God doesnt notice wrongs or that he doesn't feel your pain. Just the opposite. That's why he send Christ-to end evil, to give people a chance to change and turn to him. However, God is patient and holds off his scorching punishment(2 Peter 2:9;3:9)

That doesn't mean you relax and toloerate evil. Change what you can in your life and all around you. Work together with peers and parents and authorities to confront larger evils like drugs and abortion and poverty. But when you feel overcome by evil, be patient. Remind yourself that God sees you.He WON'T forget your faithfulness.

Malachi 4:2
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.


lsprkr said...

I was not happy before I gave my life to Christ. I tried to be happy and did things I thought would make me happy but nothing worked. The instant gratification from cheating, drinking, smoking, having lots of money, and having attention from boys/girls, quickly fades away and leaves you with nothing but more pain. Those people that we catch ourselves being jealous over have nothing compared to what we have in Jesus. We just have to have faith that God knows what He is doing with those other people and cling to His promise that He will bless those who follow Him.

Btw- Another name for God is El-Roi – The Lord Who Sees

Anonymous said...

I love how Lisa says that "those people that we catch ourselves being jealous over have nothing compared to what we have in Jesus." It's so true! The joy He gives us is truly indescribable.

Sometimes I do feel overcome by the evil things of the world, and God isn't there watching me anymore. This reminds me of the You-Tube video I've seen many times of the girl who gets so consumed by the things of the world that she forgets about her relationship with Christ. But in that video Jesus was watching her, begging for her to come back to Him the entire time. In the end, he conquers all the evil temptations. It's great to know that God does the same in our lives :)