Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lost and Alone

Ever been lost? How did you get unlost?
Some people in this situation panic, freakout. Others refuse to admit they're in a sad spot. But some lost people stay calm and get directions. They back track in the woods. They find signs, they pull into a gas station and ask for directions. They ADMIT they need help figuring out exactly where they are and how to get where they want to go.

Ok Read 2 Timothy 3:14-17
How does the Bible help you find your way when you want to follow God?

If you want to get un-lost in the woods or on a road, youve got to stop to get directions. Because drivers gulp down their pride and ask directions, a lot of family vacations are rescued. If you want to get unlost in life, the Bible is the place to look. It teaches you to know God and helps you mature. It shows you the way to real life.

Getting directions doesnt work if the directions you get arent clear. But the Bible is "Breathed by God"; it provides perfect directions from the perfect God If you look to God's Word, the Bible, for directions, you can trust what it says. It's your unique quidebook written by the ultimate guide, God himself.

All Sripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. 2Timothy 3:16


Anonymous said...

You do have to swallow your pride and humble yourself before going to God for guidance, which is probably why when so many people stumble they turn to God last. even if you're not lost the Bible will guide you, it says it will prepare us "for every good work." Whether it's through the use of a simple verse or a story, God can show you how to straighten your life out or how to continue to glorify him if you just turn to him through his word.

Anonymous said...

Idk how many times I've caught myself about to jump in a "mine field" of temptations, or find myself in a situation I dont wanna be in, and i just stop and think about one of the many verses I've leard at primetime. Then walk away from those situations and get back on track. Thanks for everything Chad!


Anonymous said...

I had just moved to Houston and I was on my way home one night when I got lost in the 610/290/I-10 craziness. At first I thought I could figure it out on my own but after an hour I gave up and called my sister. I hated to admit I was lost and needed help but once I gave in to calling my sister, it was so easy for her to get me back on track. I thought to myself, why didn't I call her 59 minutes ago?

If you feel lost, don't wait to ask for directions. Go to God and seek His word and seek Godly council. It won't be long before He guides you back in the right direction.


Anonymous said...

I get lost all the time! Each day I find myself confused about one thing or another. But I do not always turn to God. My selfishness is overwhelming. Why don't I want to turn to God in my problems? It's confusing to me that there are so many times when I just want to fix things on my own instead of calling on the One who knew about every problem in my life ahead of time.

I have to start out every day by humbling myself to God and asking for His guidance First!

Anonymous said...

I probably stumble like I don't know a hundred times a day and I will admit I probably only turn to God 25% of the time. And to think how much stronger of a person I could be if I turned to God for everything. God gave us the bible to guide us and it is our own fault if we don't use what he provided us with.I think it is so easy just to call my best friend and tell her everything when I could just bow my head or open the bible and know that the truth will be there.