Monday, October 13, 2008

On Your Mark

How should you dress for the race to follow Jesus?

Bibs, Jersey, Pads, Gloves, Helmet, and some shoes, are great if you want to jump on the field and play football. But if you try running a race with all of these things it would be a little hard. If you hope to run the race well, you would lose all of these things to the essentials and slip on the lightest shoes you can find.

As Christians we have a race marked out already for us, with the finish line being in eternity in heaven with God and his people on the far side of the finish line. Our course- a life lived tight with Jesus- isnt a sprint. Its a marathon run and with this run and like any marathon run you have the 3 D's to remember. Demands, Determiniation, and Devotion!. To run well we toss off anything not necessary for this race.

Sometimes , though, we like to run our race with that football gear on for this tracke meet- just like our social calendars that crowds out time with Christian friends, or a sports schedule too busy for time alone with God. Thos are good things out of control.

Even worse is when bad things grab hold of our lives. Sin takes us out of the race. Doing wronf leaves us wadded in a knot and sprawled on the track until we ask God for forgiveness and let him pick us up.
Your Christian life might feel like you've shown up wearing football shoes to a marathon. Now is the time to toss off everything that tangles up our run for Him.

Let us throw everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Herbrews 12:1 Read 1-3


Anonymous said...

thats my favorite verse! i guess since im a runner it reminds me to put the same motivation and perserverance in my race with God that i do in actually running

Anonymous said...

great blog today chad, it made me think about the "football pads" in my life and whats slowing me down in my lifes race.
have a great day chad!


Anonymous said...

I love what Hebrews 12:3 says. "Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won't become weary and give up."

If I think of everything God has done for me instead of all the busyness that is going on in my life, then it is easier to "run the race God has set before us."

I just have to remind myself to keep my eyes on Jesus and remember his grace every time I want to give up.